Understand, review and be part of the decision process
Information is knowledge, know exactly what you are getting and craft what you want.
Dream it.
It all begins with an idea. We design in 3d from the inside out. The furniture placement and proportions of the building are as equally important as the floor plan. Designing in 3d takes into account size, colour, shape, texture, solar access, street context, views and everything giving you the best picture for the best outcome.
Visualise it.
Mennie Architects takes 3d visualisation to the next level through the design process, with realistic interior and exterior images so the client can get the best understanding of their dream before having to build it. This saves time and money, and is the best way of creating the perfect project for the client.
Live in it.
There are no surprises. What is built has been designed in a 3d context that is continually developed throughout sketch to construction drawings phase.
Know what you are getting and be confident you have resolved the project to your level.